Costa Mesa’s favorite spot to grab a cup of excellent coffee, chat with friendly & knowledgeable baristas and catch up with some of the city’s finest folks. We are a multi-roaster shop carrying some of the world’s highest quality coffee from some of the best roasters on the West Coast. With housemade seasonal syrups and locally made almond milk, there’s bound to be something for everyone.
My love for coffee came from Uganda. David and I spent our first year of marriage there, and we got to visit a coffee farm and see every stage of a coffee bean -- from the cherry on the tree, to when and how it’s picked, to taking off the parchment and drying it in the sun. We got to roast our own and then drink it the next morning out of a french press. It was a magical experience. I already had this love for how coffee brings people together, so when we moved home, I decided I wanted to open a coffee shop. I worked at three coffee shops over four years to learn what works, what doesn’t work, what I liked and what I didn’t like until David lovingly nudged me out of the comfort of working for other people and helped me take the risk of trying it out for myself.
Neat Coffee is currently located in the lobby of a co-working office in Costa Mesa. Our goal is to open another location in Westside Costa Mesa in a bigger space with more room for seating and local gatherings. We believe that coffee is the perfect vehicle for conversation and community and we can’t wait to create a beautiful space that brings life to our city.